Year in review.

The Big One Barrio Gran Reserva.

This hand built gem was a collaboration between Wendy Gruber (owner of Barrio)

and I, the Walnut is so rich and chocolate you could eat it. Provided by Tom winkler.

The old favorite Grand avenue Pizza CO.

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Industrial/ Craftsman Furniture</span

Aside from being a great Pizza maker, Carson Wheeler is a fine wood aficionado,

and repeat offender. These new table tops feature mesquite  from wine glass bar sawmill,

and some old diner booths.

Far from home spring in New York

The Hudson Valley is a magical place that has attracted artist for centuries, do to its beauty, its serenity and bridges. This is a bridge I built with wood found on the property, I also found time to build a few commissioned pieces, and do a few installations…

Courtesy of Lyle Trued and matthew gamble…and the always amazing uncle TEE.

High design in an unlikely spot SouthWest truck driver training.

When Sean Williams of southwest approached me, I could tell he was ready to transform a space, Great designs, impeccable wood selection and a conference table for a boss.

Showing Off  Urban Organics at the IceHouse

With the Help of amazing artist Joe Holdren and Scott Woodward we ascended on the Icehouse Phoenix with an Epic showing of Furniture, Abstract Paintings and ceramic sculpture. Thanks, to amazing friends and patrons this show was amazing.

The bread and Butter.

At the end of the day my bread and butter are sales from Zinnias on melrose,

Cartwheels Gallery in Cottonwood and Commissions from Clients new and old.

It keeps the designs fresh and evolving and good clients give me great pleasure.

Thank, you all for making my year amazing.